
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Research Project #1

What is your topic? Or what are your key words thus far?

My topic for this project is mainly focused on obesity and how supermarket access and price reflects weight gain. Also, how the people view the prices of foods that are being provided to them at these supermarkets. My key words for my search have been: obesity, supermarkets, price, proximity, and food environment.

What is your research question? Have you decided to change it at all? And, if you have, how do I know that the way in which this question is formulated is appropriate to conduct a literature review with a systematic approach? 

My research question is: How does proximity and price of foods affects obesity in the United States? and How can we reverse the negative affects of junk food being provided to Americans? I have decided to change my research question frequently because the articles I was finding didn't progress my research any further. I also became bored with the question, so I decided to switch it up.

And what are the definitions on which it depends?

The definitions on which my research depends are:

Cohort study- Evidence has shown us that obesity is becoming a lifestyle for many Americans. This type of method allows scientists to observe how these changes are happening in a more realistic and less controlled environment. This will also help explain if there is a link between the factors I stated in my question.

Inferential Statistics- My research is expanding to a very large population of people and needs a more general background. This type of data will help me explain the obesity epidemic as a whole and not just for certain races or lower income families.

Ethnography- Our culture in America relies heavily on food and access to quick and easy foods. This type of method will help me observe how people in a community share eating habits. Also, eating is a daily behavior, and this method really pushes for observations and interviews.

What is your hierarchy of evidence? And how do I know you going about finding the most appropriate evidence/method for your research question?

My hierarchy of evidence is as follows:
Cohort study
Inferential Statistics

My question has many parts, so my methods are pretty much going to be based on statistics and observations. I am sure that I will be looking at a lot of articles that have studies and interviews with a large group of people. Also, I may end up looking into policy because my questions could already have policies that are in place.

How do I know that the remit of the method itself is selecting the research, rather than just you on a whim? + 1 thing you found interesting + how you imagine using the source

Article #1: Inferential Statistics

Hippel, P. V., & Benson, R. (2014). Obesity and the Natural Environment Across US Counties. American Journal of Public Health, 104(7), 1287-1293. doi:10.2105/ajph.2013.301838

The article is directly related to my paper because it uses the method of inferential statistics to explain obesity. The study that is used has country-level data to explain multiple factors that play into obesity, such as the surroundings. I found it interesting how the environment like summer and winter weather effected how much people gained weight. Also, I would imagine myself using this article to show that obesity isn't just influenced by low income, but many things people try to ignore or do not know about.

Article #2: Policies

El-Sayed, A. M., & Galea, S. (2015). Calorie Offsets: Environmental Policy for the Food Environment. American Journal of Public Health, 105(8). doi:10.2105/ajph.2015.302678
This article will be useful for my paper because it explains policies that are being implemented to stop the production of unhealthy, processed foods. There have been many new policies that have been put into place about poor quality and labeling, but this will provide people with power to choose healthier foods. Policy makers are coming up with new, creative ideas to curve obesity. I find it interesting that policies already exist, but obesity has become more and more of a problem. This article also explains why policy is a good method for me to use in my paper. It shows the reader that even though there have been things implemented, there is always room for new ideas. I would imagine myself using this in my paper as a main topic and good argument point.

Article #3: Sample

Gibson, D. M. (2011). The Neighborhood Food Environment and Adult Weight Status: Estimates From Longitudinal Data. American Journal of Public Health, 101(1), 71-78. doi:10.2105/ajph.2009.187567

The article above uses the method of sampling. The researcher recorded years of data on adults and zip-code data. He found that people who lived in areas with smaller grocery stores tended to be more obese because the store offered more unhealthy choices then big companies did. It is important for this to be noted because many people live in smaller, urban areas. I found it interesting that people wouldn't meet calorie needs because they did not like the options they had. I feel like this will be useful in my paper to further explain how food environment really can affect obesity and can make someone very picky. Also, I want to use this as an alternative method to sampling with large groups and compare and contrast the two.

Article #4: Cohort study

Fildes, A., Charlton, J., Rudisill, C., Littlejohns, P., Prevost, A. T., & Gulliford, M. C. (2015). Probability of an Obese Person Attaining Normal Body Weight: Cohort Study Using Electronic Health Records. American Journal of Public Health, 105(9). doi:10.2105/ajph.2015.302773

This article is a good example of cohort study that will be important for my paper. This study review a group of men and women and tracked how long and what the probability was of them being able to lose weight once they were obese. They realized that once an obese person has gained so much weight, it is almost impossible for them to lose weight, unless they change their whole diet and exercise. This research is important for my paper to emphasize how important food environment is. I find it interesting that the men would be able to lose weight faster. I can imagine using this in my paper to emphasize main points.

Article #5: Ethnography

Snipes, S. A., Thompson, B., O'connor, K., Shell-Duncan, B., King, D., Herrera, A. P., & Navarro, B. (2009). “Pesticides Protect the Fruit, but Not the People”: Using Community-Based Ethnography to Understand Farmworker Pesticide-Exposure Risks. American Journal of Public Health, 99(S3). doi:10.2105/ajph.2008.148973

This study uses the method of ethnography. The study included observations, semistructed interviews, and detailed notes to explain how pesticides harmed workers who were in fields. They concluded that these pesticides should be handled carefully and workers should be protected. They also found that these worries should come second to financial obligations. I want to use this in my article to explain that food doesn't just harm consumers, but people who handle the food as well. I think it is interesting how workers really want to express these feelings to reporters. I could imagine using this in my paper to explain the cycle of people that are affected negatively by food.

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